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Board of Christian Education

The Board shall plan for the development of the Christian Education programs for the whole church, the programs of the Church School and weekly Adult Bible Study Classes shall be under the general supervision of the Board of Christian Education.

Board of Trustees

They shall have the care and custody of the real property of the Church and all charge of its financial affairs, but shall have no power to buy, sell, mortgage, lease or to transfer real property without specific authority by vote of the Church.

Camp Board

The Camp Board shall have the responsibility for recommending and developing a program of activities for Camp Good Shepherd. The Board currently addresses all issues related to the campsite.

Chancel Choir

The Church Choir shall be an integral part of the service of public worship. The choir provides and supports the musical operation and organization of all official services.

Church School

The church school is organized to offer a regular weekly religious education program for children and adults. The program of the Church School is under the general supervision of the Board of Christian Education.

Couples Club

Group to support the Church and couples of the congregation. Additional fund raising activities being considered by the group.


To assist the Minister in helping the church to envision and achieve its spiritual possibilities. To assist in the preparation of the sanctuary for all church services. To assist in the preparation and administration of ordinances and sacraments (communion) and delivery of the same to our sick and homebound members. Collect dues and contributions from congregation at each Church meeting and deliver same to the Board of Trustees.

George & Eloyce Andrews Foundation

A fundraising group for the purpose of awarding musical scholarships to worthy young musicians and to give financial support to the Church.

K.B. Smith Board of Christian Social Action

The Board shall plan program activities that call attention to needed action by Christians on religious, social and political issues.

Men’s Club

The Men’s Club of the COGS shall include within its membership every man who is or becomes a member of this church. The purpose is to stimulate fellowship among the men of the church; to contribute to the general welfare of the Church and community; to render specific services to the Church when called upon officially or when a need is recognized; to sponsor an annual breakfast and to sponsor and plan the annual Men’s Retreat.


A group which fosters fellowship, compatibility and work for the good of the Church. Sponsors fund raising activities. Sponsors annual Kwanza service celebration.

Service League

Group is to contribute support and service to the Church in ways identified and necessary. To provide fund raising activities and to support the Easter Tea.

Usher Board

Members of the Usher Board greets the congregation and guests upon entrance to the church. They will offer assistance when needed, will distribute bulletins and will locate seats when needed.

Women’s Fellowship

The Women’s Fellowship of the COGS shall include within its membership every woman who is, or becomes, a member of this church. Our goal is to nourish the life of the church and its membership through information and inspiration.  Annually the group sponsors the Women’s Fellowship Breakfast (February) and the Women’s Fellowship Luncheon (October). Also plans annual Women’s Retreat.


Sunday Service 11 a.m.

Church School 11 a.m.

Tuesday Bible Service 7 p.m.

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