I would like to personally welcome you to the Church of the Good Shepherd Congregational, United Church of Christ.
I am pleased that you have chosen to worship with us and excited about all the things God has been doing and will do in our Congregation! Each and every Sunday, we enter this sanctuary with anticipation of what God wants to do in each one of our lives. There can be no doubt whatsoever that God is a personal God who cares very deeply about everything and everyone about which we are concerned.
Once again, we embrace you in the spirit of Caritas (car-re-tas) as you worship with us! There is nothing quite like joining with people in a sense of unity, with the single purpose of bringing praise and honor to our Lord. Lives are being changed by the power of God. There can be little doubt that we have very little power on our own to affect change in our lives, yet when we choose to allow the Lord to lead and guide us, amazing things can happen.
As we begin the summer months, once again, we find there are so many things that can distract us from the Lord. Yet, I want to encourage you today to do all you can to continue to keep God first and foremost in your own lives, as well as those of your loved ones.
Thank you for all the ways you make a difference in our church and community.
Together, we can have a lasting impact!
Rev. Jesse Knox III
Senior Minister